So, what is BJJ? What do kids do in class?
The Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Class is a fun, safe environment where kids can learn how to defend themselves, gain balance and coordination, and learn new skills while getting out a lot of energy. These skills are hands on, making it easier for them to learn and hold their attention.
Class begins with a warm-up that includes basic motions, such as shrimping along the ground and falling safely. Most of the class is instructional – learning moves, practicing them, and then putting them together into sequences. If the kids pay attention and focus, class closes with a game that builds athletic skills and teamwork, such as a BJJ version of freeze-tag.
Why is BJJ a good activity for kids?
BJJ is a whole-body sport that trains balance, coordination, strength, flexibility and conditioning. It also builds both confidence and self-control. For those kids that are on the shyer end or who aren’t “natural” athletes we work with them at their own pace in order to build up their skills over time. For the more active kids we work with them to improve their control.
BJJ is both an individual sport and a team effort – your team mates on the mat help you develop your skills and cheer you on, but competition and improvement is individual. We focus on each child’s improvement while emphasizing how important it is to help the other students in the class as well.
If your child is competitive, BJJ offers a safe outlet for that energy. Kids can compete “all out” safely – no head trauma or damaged knees. There are many local competitions, and we always provide coaching support for kids who want to compete.
BJJ also has a self-defense element – increasing your awareness of people around you, being comfortable with physical contact and agression, and knowing how to throw someone off you are all part of improving your own physical safety. Learning this as a kid is very important, and will stay with your child through the rest of their life.