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More Info: Kids & Teens

Precision Martial Arts 

Kids and Teens Behavior Policy


Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment for all of our students. We ask that you, the parent, go over this behavior policy with your child/children:

  • Be courteous – no foul language, back talk, nasty or inappropriate comments.
  • Be a good training partner – do your part of the drills and take turns.
  • Be attentive – no excessive goofing off or interrupting the coach. Raise your hand to get the coach’s attention.
  • Be safe – follow instructions, go slow if you’re not sure, and listen/pay attention for taps.

Our coaches work with the students to address issues as they come up.

  • First and foremost, if a coach sees inappropriate behavior, they will explain what they saw, why it is wrong, and how the student should fix it.
  • If the student continues to exhibit the same behavior (3 or 4 times in the same class) the coach may ask the student to sit on the side, do push-ups/sit-ups, or do extra drills.
  • If the student has exhibited problematic behavior throughout the class, the coach will make every effort to speak with the parent after class about what happened and what they spoke to the student(s) about.

In addition to these on-the-spot interventions, we also have a behavioral focus each month (the achievement stripes). These help periodically focus students to improve in those areas (focus, attentiveness, helping other students, being a leader, asking good questions).


We do deserve the right to suspend or cancel a student’s membership. This can happen for two reasons:

  • The student represents a safety hazard to other students: Deliberate hitting or violent behavior, repeated excessiv use of force in joint locks and chokes, not responding to taps.
  • Continued, excessive disruptive behavior.

In both cases the parent will be given both a verbal and a written explanation for the suspension, and a written description of what needs to happen before the student can return to class.


For disruptive behavior, the parents will first receive a written note with a warning that a suspension is imminent if specific behaviors are not addressed, and a request for a meeting with the parent, coach, and student to determine a plan of action.



Injuries: If your child has an injury, please let the coaches know before class. There is almost always an alternative drill or technique they can do if they still wish to participate. 

Watch This - How to Tie a Jiu Jitsu Gi Belt

Parents, please make sure your child learns how to tie their own belt!